Nurse Wellbeing Mission Presents:

Self-Compassion Training for Professional Nurse Advocates and Midwife Advocates 

The only course of its kind.

Learn skills to be more self-compassionate.

Then learn how to use the skills in clinical supervision.

Find out more below.

It's here!
Additional training for Professional Nurse & Midwife Advocates

Are you looking for further training to start feeling more confident and effective in supervision?

Our online, on-demand course is here to support you.

You will learn self-compassion skills to manage the demands of your role.

Then you will learn how to apply these new skills in your RCS and coaching sessions.

Start feeling healthier, happier in just 5 weeks

Join our community of other PNAs and PMAs on this self-compassion journey.

Find out more below...

How this course can help your organisation

Reduce PNA/PMA burnout

Our self-compassion skills will help your supervisors and leaders manage stress and the emotional toll of their work.

Enhance confidence in supervision

Our highly practical video trainings of real RCS sessions will show you the "how to" of highly effective supervision.

Increase effectiveness

The self-compassion skills help your PNA/PMAs stay well, and give them powerful, evidence based ways to reduce burnout with their supervisees.

Trusted by NHS England

Our course received commissioning from NHS England in 2023/2024 as part of a PNA continuing professional development package.
Whilst this funding has now ended, we are delighted to offer the course to individual PNA/PMAs and interested organisations. Read more below.

Why take the course?

This is not just a course that would help you to do clinical supervision effectively, but it will also have a life changing impact on the way you deal with yourself.

Gemma, Senior Sister, PNA and course graduate.

Do any of these sound like you, or the nurses & midwives you supervise?

You have a loud inner critic

Do you judge yourself negatively?

Feel like an imposter?

Perhaps you feel like you're not as good as other nurses?

Your mind holds you back or creates self-doubt.

Perhaps you have a hard time forgiving yourself for mistakes.

This inner pressure is 
exhausting, and you feel stressed and tense.

It's time to change your
relationship with yourself.

Struggle to put your own needs first

Are you forever sacrificing your own basic needs at work?

Maybe you struggle with boundaries. 

You find yourself feeling empty and exhausted.

You're not doing regular self-care as it feels "selfish". 

The result is that you're tired, snappy and reactive with those who you love.

It's time to identify your own
needs and start putting them first.

Experience challenging emotions

You experience a lot of negative emotion in the course of your work...

You feel stressed from the pressure you put on yourself.

You feel shame when you compare yourself to others.

And you feel anxious about getting enough done.

The result: You're overwhelmed and want a way forward.

It's time to learn some new ways to master the emotional side of your work.

This online, on-demand course teaches skills to help with all of these challenges. 

In 5 weeks, we'll teach you fundamental, evidence-informed tools to feel more confident in yourself and to help others do the same.

How the course is set up...

Part 1: Self-compassion for you.

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Enrol online, then get instant access to course content.

In weeks 1-4 of the program, through videos, ebooks and worksheets, you will learn...

What self-compassion is and its relationship to burnout and mental health.
Learn how to replace self-criticism and self-doubt with inner kindness and motivation.
Find out why self-compassion is so hard for many of us...and how to overcome your own barriers.

Learn how to prioritise your own self-care, and implement a self-care plan.
Learn the key to understanding all your emotions and those of others.
Learn a simple, powerful process for regulating emotions and calming the body from stress and anxiety.

Part 2: Cultivate self-compassion in others.

In week 5, unlock modules that teach you how to bring self-compassion skills into RCS. 

Over 4 hours of pre-recorded footage of 1:1 restorative clinical supervision. Watch self-compassion in action for multiple nursing challenges.
Consideration of ethical issues and the limits of your role as a PNA/PMA (i.e. how to differentiate therapy from supervision/coaching)
Includes live demonstration of a straightforward process YOU can immediately start applying in your sessions.
Feel more confident in helping supervisees feel heard, understood, and have powerful RCS and coaching sessions.
Guides on how to set-up and structure your sessions, including confidentiality and  explaining your role.
Become part of our supportive PNA/PMA online community and feel less like an imposter.
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Learn through over 4 hours of expert, pre-recorded live demonstration from Dr Nathan Illman, Clinical Psychologist and Founder of Nurse Wellbeing Mission.

See how the self-compassion exercises can make you feel...

The deeper feelings of regret, guilt and remorse somehow dissolved, and left my resilient, adventurous childlike figure trampling along a footpath off by myself to explore the world.
Fran, Community Nurse

What's included in the course ?

Community Feature

Harness the power of community and shared experience. Our secure community portal allows you to share progress, ask questions and meet other learners.

Powerful Reflective Exercises

Multiple reflective exercises to learn self-compassion, PLUS bonus of our Self-Compassion Journalling Guide. 

Download Resources

Download all the important exercises, worksheets, and audio recordings, making it easy to practice at home or on the go.

6 Month Access

Access the course for 6 months during which time you'll get access to all course materials and community features on the learning platform.

     What happens when I enrol on the course?

Once you enrol, you will have instant access to the course content. It is designed to be completed over a series of 5-6 weeks, but you can go at your own pace.

Course users then have an additional 6 weeks after the content is delivered to engage in the materials.

Fit the content around your busy schedule, and come back to the parts you find most useful over and over again.

What else do people say about this course?

The program helped me to feel more confident in myself and believe that what I had to say was important and valuable as a nurse.
Allison McNaught
RN, PNA and CAMHS Mental Health/CBT Practitioner
The course was like a series on Netflix that I just wanted to keep going back to.

It is excellent without a doubt.

Very helpful and I use the examples, knowledge and self-compassion skills with my staff and the feedback is great.

I would recommend this course 100%.

Charlie, Mental Health Nurse, PNA and course graduate.

Watch a video sample of the training

In this video you see highlights of one of the recorded sessions you will have access to as part of the program.

Nathan has just guided Martin through the structured self-compassion practice you will learn in the course.

Here, we apply self-compassion in a coaching context to Martin's anxiety and self-doubt around public speaking at work. This is a common issue for many.

Throughout the training videos, you will see how self-compassion can be applied to a range of challenges that nurses and midwives bring to supervision or coaching.

One of the best ways to start learning skills and feeling confident is to watch them being applied in real-time.

With this course's training video library, you can watch, repeat and pick out all the micro skills to help you become more effective in supervision.

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Dr Nathan Illman with Martin Hogan, Lead PNA.

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Hear how this course helped with Abbie's confidence as a PNA...

Before watching the clinical supervision training sessions I did not feel confident about running a session. During the course, there is an opportunity to watch pre-recorded RCS sessions held by Nathan.

The videos were really insightful and showed me the real impact an RCS session can have on individuals. It clearly puts theory into practice and has provided me with a solid framework for future RCS sessions.

I really do recommend this course to anyone who is feeling uncertain, unconfident or skeptical about RCS sessions. If just one session has a positive impact on someone, then one, is more than none.

Abigail Dinner
Clinical Educator & PNA

Meet the course creator 

Dr Nathan Illman is a Clinical Psychologist, Leadership Coach and the Founder of Nurse Wellbeing Mission.

He has spent years studying, learning and applying self-compassion skills to himself and others. Nathan commits to practicing self-compassion in his own life through journalling, meditation, self-care and self-reflection. 

His Doctoral level education and years of wisdom are distilled neatly into this course to get you started on your own transformational journey. He's excited to have you join us!

Is this program for you?
Key questions to ask yourself

  • Do I want to learn skills to be less self-critical and kinder towards myself?
  • Do I want to improve the way I take care of my own emotional health?
  • Do I want to learn some skills that will help manage stress and burnout?
  • Do I want to learn some skills to feel more confident in clinical supervision?
  • Would it be helpful to be connected to other PNAs/PMAs on a similar journey?

Invest in yourself today.

Instant access for individuals

For Organisations

Pricing Options

1-9 Learners

£99/per person
  • Immediate, on-demand access upon payment
  • Each learner has 3 month access to the course
  • Easy, safe self-enrolment process for users.

10 to 30 Learners

£1499 annual license
  • Enrol up to 30 people throughout the year 
  • Immediate, on-demand access upon payment
  • Each learner has 3-month access to the course
  • Easy, safe self-enrolment process for users.

More than 30?

Get in touch now to discuss a bespoke package to suit your needs.

  • No limit on number of learners each year
  • Immediate, on-demand access upon payment
  • Each learner has 3-month access to the course
  • User enrolment via your organisation with training provided by us.

How enrolment works for organisations

We offer two options for enrolment of your PNA/PMAs:

1) Pay now and learners then self-enrol (for up to 30 learners)

Ideal if you only have a small group of people to enrol. Simply arrange payment with us, gather the names of the learners and we can provide links for learners to self-enrol. This avoids any sharing of personal data.

3) Annual license options (for larger groups or unlimited PNA/PMAs)
Pay now and manage enrolment locally 

If you have more than 30 annual users, or want an unlimited license, we can provide free training on how to self-manage enrolment on our learning platform. This means you can set up an enrolment process that works for you in your organisation.

Get in touch to find out more.

Reach out to us by clicking the "Enquire Now" button on one of the options above.
Lesson series

Get in touch now to arrange your package.

The emotional work of being a PNA or PMA is demanding. This course teaches you core self-compassion skills for yourself. You also get a chnce to learn how to use these skills in clinical supervision session.

Frequently asked questions

When does the course start?

The course will begin as soon as you Enrol, as this is a self-paced program.

How and when do I receive the modules?

Once a user is enrolled on the program, they will be emailed a link to generate a profile. This will then give them immediate access to the learning platform and course. The course is self-paced, so learners can come back to modules whenever they want.

The course can be accessed remotely on any device. It consists of text, videos and audio exercises.

How long does it take to complete?

In part 1 (Weeks 1-4) each week requires approx an hour of time for the online course, plus a recommended 10 minutes per day of personal practice. Part 2 is where you will learn how to apply self-compassion in clinical supervision. This includes around 5 extra hours of content for you to consume at your own pace.

How long do I have access to the material?

You will have access to the modules for 6 months. This is plenty of time to study the material and come back to it.

Does this count as CPD for revalidation?

Yes, the course will specifically help you in your professional role. You can claim the course as CPD and will receive a certificate upon completion. You will be able to claim around 7-8 hours of CPD after completing this course. Just make sure to keep reflective notes about your progress.

Is organisational access possible?

Absolutely! Get in touch with us at: to discuss your needs. 

Join the journey today.  Sign up here.

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